In Ground Exhaust Extraction System

In the “In-Ground” system the hose is pulled up from underground when used and pushed back under ground after the work is done. In-ground systems are especially suitable for new vehicle repair shops that is still on the planning stage, so there is a possibility to design the in ground pipe work.There are two types of inground systems - ”On- floor” system and ”Under- floor” systems.

On- floor” system

In the ”On- floor” system a lid in the floor is opened and a hose-kit is attached to the extraction outlet when used. After the work is done, the hose is removed to its storing place and the lid is put back in closed position. Any standard Nederman nozzle and hose can be selected up to Ø200 mm.

“Under-floor” systems

In the “Under floor” system the hose is pulled up from under ground when used and pushed back under ground after the work is done. A limited range of hoses and nozzles available.

NB! An ”under floor” system must be sized for additional Fan capacity since the hose and underfloor pipe doesn’t seal completley.

  • Out of sight when not used
  • Up to Ø100 (4”) hose – for passenger cars /LCV
  • Full range of hoses and nozzles for on Floor systems

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