Nederman leading the way in air filtration in the FMCG sector

Ensuring workplace safety for our customer in Australia.

As an industry leader in air filtration and workplace safety, we welcome opportunities that allow us to bring our product knowledge and experience to various industries.

Recently we were able to showcase our expertise as we partnered with an existing client in Australia, that operates within the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector. As its name suggests, the FMCG industry provides a high turnover of goods that consumers use daily.

Consumers have an expectation that goods will be produced at a rate that allows for purchase and consumption whenever they want. With the quantities required to be manufactured and distributed each day, efficiency, safety, and compliance are overriding considerations for FMCG companies striving to achieve optimal daily operations and product output.

While efficiency allows for higher quantities of goods to be produced, the speed of production cycles results in increased levels of airborne contaminants, coupled with the added risks of combustible dust that some of these consumer products produce.

Air extraction products are required in these workplaces to ensure the safeguarding of both the products being manufactured and the safety and health of the employees at the facilities. Recognising the challenges they face, our client partnered with us to install our premium air extraction solutions to enhance their air quality management.

Addressing air quality challenges in a leading FMCG facility

When our client sought to install a new food line, they recognised the dangers of combustible dust in their manufacturing process and wanted to install one of our combustible dust applications. During discussions about their needs, we identified three primary goals.

These were to protect the future health of their employees, ensure compliance with the strict industry regulations and enhance the overall operational efficiency. Given the complexity and scale of their operations, they needed a system that could be seamlessly integrated into their existing infrastructure while providing robust and reliable performance.

Nederman’s advanced air extraction solutions

During discussions with the client, we noted their goals and the challenges that they currently faced in trying to achieve their desired production outcomes. Together, we decided on a comprehensive air extraction system that included the supply and install of a MJB-A dust collector system, combifab fan set, and isolation explosion flap. This system was carefully tailored to meet the specific needs of the FMCG facility, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.

The MJB-A filter offers low-maintenance dust filtration and, importantly, allowed for modular and customised design for the client. The combifab fan ensured the client had efficient and quiet dust collection with our premium energy saving drives.

To complete the design the addition of the isolation explosion valve allowed for increased protection and safety by preventing the spread of any explosions from combustible dust, while simultaneously meeting compliance and safety standards.

Together these units as a system mitigate risks within the FMCG facility, creating a safer workplace for employees and allowed the client to meet their expected production and operational output safely.

Benefits of improved air quality in FMCG facilities

The addition of our premium air extraction systems brought significant improvement to the safety of the FCMG facility. The installation and use of our products will result in cleaner air and a healthier working environment for employees. This is achieved by the assurance that airborne contaminants are effectively captured, and combustible dust is safely extracted from workspaces.

Our systems will enable the facility to meet and exceed stringent standards and regulations while, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties and enhancing their reputation as a responsible manufacturer.

Along with the safety benefits our products offer, the facility will experience fewer equipment malfunctions and maintenance issues as the installed products reduce dust accumulation and maintenance costs and increase the working life of equipment within the factory. This leads to increased operational efficiency, a key component of success in the highly competitive FMCG industry.

The role of Nederman in creating clean air in the FMCG sector

The world of fast-moving consumer goods is governed by the demand for a significant volume of product turnover. This culminates in a high-risk working environment that produces a large number of airborne contaminants and combustible dust. Our advanced air extraction systems play a critical role in this sector by addressing these challenges.

By partnering with us, our client was able to ensure a safe working environment for their staff while not sacrificing on productivity and maintaining the expectations of their consumers. At Nederman our pioneering products exemplify our commitment to not only ensuring safer workplaces for industries but creating a profitable and productive working environment for our clients.

Contact your local Nederman clean air expert to see how you can ensure a safe working environment for your staff.

Contact us

We have extensive experience of various challenges in the different industries and our experts are very skilled, helpful and professional. With us, you can feel secure that we take care of you and your needs. You are always welcome to contact us regardless if you have a short question or a more complex and complicated one. A warm welcome to Nederman.

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