Nederman partners with Manufacturing Industry Learning Lab

dust collection at manufacturing industry learning lab

Nederman is committed to providing clean, dust-free environments for students. The woodworking industry's number one need right now is skilled labor. Nederman has partnered with a unique hands on school for the wood industry providing dust collection for all their machinery.

On October 5th the Manufacturing Industry Learning Lab (MiLL) national training center in Colorado Springs, CO USA had its grand opening. This unique 45,000 sqft school teaches students with hands-on learning to be nationally certified in the use of woodworking machines, manufacturing equipment, software, and production skills.

The woodworking industry's largest need is skilled workers and this school provides just that by connecting education with industry partners. These hands-on courses on some of the latest woodworking machinery and industry professional speakers give students the chance to experience running machinery in real world situations.

This training program is not just for students. People of all ages and skill levels are coming to train in this program including the active US military, wounded warriors, retired, and those that have nowhere else to go. “This program saves lives” said founder Dean Mattson who told us the story of how nineteen of his students, three just this year were saved from suicide by having this program. A program where they are not only learning and making things they can be proud of but are taught integrity and to care about their work and other people. This program is gaining traction in the industry for the high-quality students it produces and the connection that they forge with the students and future employers.

Nederman has four S-Series dust collectors installed along with our easy to install clamp-together ducting and hose reels. As the program and facility grow we are already in the works to install more dust collection equipment to meet their needs. Woodworking machinery produces lots of dust that operators breathe in without proper dust collection. Our products provide students a clean, dust-free environment to learn and grow.

“The best people in the world are represented out here and I held out for all the best. Nederman is the best. We have found you to be total professionals. Dealing with Nederman has been a pure delight for me. The quality of your product is very high, your abilities and expertise is very high, your people have integrity which is very high and you’ve pretty much done what you’ve said.”
– Dean Mattson, Founder of the MiLL and training program

As the exclusive partner of dust collection for this program, Nederman is committed to helping give these students a bright future in the wood industry.

Learn more about the MiLL and the Mattson program at

The MiLL Colorado springs Grand Opening

dust collection at the MiLL Colorado springs

dust collection at the MiLL Colorado springs

dust collection at the MiLL Colorado springs

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We have extensive experience of various challenges in the different industries and our experts are very skilled, helpful and professional. With us, you can feel secure that we take care of you and your needs. You are always welcome to contact us regardless if you have a short question or a more complex and complicated one. A warm welcome to Nederman.

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