Itens auxiliares

Válvulas para isolamento de explosão, dampers, painéis de controle e partidas, pré-separadores e cortinas

As válvulas de isolamento de explosão da Nederman são testadas e certificadas pelas diretivas ATEX (atmosferas explosivas), projetadas especificamente para os mesmos padrões de qualidade dos nossos coletores de pó. Somos líderes no manuseio seguro de poeira combustível.

A Nederman também possui uma ampla gama de acessórios para o seu sistema de exaustão e filtragem. Todos contribuindo para melhorar a eficiência da produção, promover locais de trabalho mais seguros e reduzindo o impacto ambiental.

Válvulas de isolamento CARZ
Industrial vacuum cleaning accessories including floor nozzles, wands and a variety of nozzle types for a wide range of applications.
Industrial vacuum nozzles and on-tool manifolds options for high vacuum applications.
Manual and automatic capable vacuum valves designed for use with Nederman central and compact industrial vacuum systems.
Automatic damper and operations box for on hood fan control and automatic fan start capability.
Air flow monitoring and measuring.
Pre-separators designed for use with Nederman industrial vacuum system to separate larger particulates increasing filter life.
Explosion Isolation Flap Valve B-Flap I - protective system.
Mesas aspiradas para captação de fumos de solda e particulados de esmerilhamento.
Rotary valves for transportation of material between two separate systems. In pneumatic conveying systems discharge is usually required from the filter or cyclone to the silo, at atmospheric pressure. This is an ideal application for the NRS type rotary valve.
Material conveying and storage systems of materials such as sawdust and chips is an important part of a successful dust collection system. Nederman silo systems with thick galvanised silo panels with smooth surfaces are ideal for storing of wood chips, sawdust and shavings. The silo systems are available with flat or pitched roof and can be fitted with a hopper or hidden deck for auger extraction.
Reliable, quiet and energy efficient chain conveyors for material handling in wood and dust collection applications.
Efficient, low-mess solution for evenly loading wood waste into truck trailers.